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As noted, there are a variety of effects that green vein kratom can provide, and there also some effects that seem fairly unique to it. Some of these effects include:

  • Pain Relief
  • Nootropic (Cognitive Enhancing)
  • Stimulation
  • Long-Lasting


Pain Relief

Although the painkilling effects of this variety of kratom typically aren’t as prominent as they are in red veins, for some reason, a few of the most effective painkilling strains that we have used have been of this variety. While there is some speculation to why this is, it may be that this variety is more sensitive to growing conditions, as the potency seems fairly variable depending upon the region it is grown.

However, the primary reason green vein kratom is used for pain relief is that it tends to provide great effects without the sedation common in many red veins, making it very valuable during the day.

Green Hulk 25 Grams Pure Kratom Powder

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